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*Babson (R1)Nov 15(R2)Jan 15(R3)Mar 15(R4)Apr 15
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*Chicago (R1)Oct 18 (R2)Jan 10 (R3)Mar 14
*Columbia (EA)Oct 11 (R2)Apr 18
*Darden (EA)Oct 19 (R2)Dec 5 (R3)Jan 11 (R4)Mar 1
*Emory (R1) Nov 1 (R2) Dec 15 (R3) Mar 1
*Fuqua (R1) Nov 1 (R2) Jan 8 (R3) Mar 21
*Goizueta (R1)Nov 1 (R2)Dec 15 (R3)Feb 1 (R4)Mar 1
*Kelley (R1)Nov 15 (R2)Jan 15 (R3)Mar 1 (R4)Apr 15
*HAAS (R1)Nov 6 (R2)Dec 11 (R3)Jan 31 (R4)Mar 12
*HBS (R1) Oct 12 (R2) Jan 3 (R3) Mar 7
*INSEAD (R1)Oct 18(R2)Dec 6(R3)Jan 31(R4)Mar 28
*Kelly (EA)Nov 15 (R2)Jan 15 (R3)Mar 1 (R4)Apr 15
*Kellogg (R1)Oct 20 (R2)Jan 5 (R3)Mar 9
*LBS (R1)Oct 20 (R2)Jan 5 (R3)Feb 23 (R4)Apr 27
*Marriott (R1)Oct 1
*McCombs (EA)Nov 1 (Int)Feb 1 (Final)Apr 1
*McDonough (R1)Dec 1 (R2)Feb 9 (R3)Apr 20
*Mendoza (R1)Nov 15(R2)Jan 15(R3)Mar 15(R4)May 1
*Merage(UCI) (R1)Nov 1(R2)Dec 15(R3)Feb 1(R4)Apr 15
*Michigan State (R1)Nov 1
*Notre Dame (EA)Nov 15(R1)Jan 15(R2)Mar 15(R3)May 1
*Rady (R1)Nov 17(R2)Jan 5(R3)Feb 9(R4)Mar 16
*StLous(Olin) (R1)Nov 6(R2)Jan 8(R3)Mar 12(R4)May 1
*Rice (R1)Nov 1 (R2)Jan 22 (R3)Mar 26 (R4)May 14
*Ross (R1)Nov 1 (R2)Jan 7 (R3)Mar 1
*Simon (EA)Nov 1(R1)Dec 1(R2)Feb 1(R3)Apr 1(R4)Jun 1
*Sloan (R1)Nov 1 (R2)Jan 10
*Smith (R1)Nov 1 (R2)Dec 15 (R3)Jan 15 (R4)Mar 1
*Stanford (R1)Oct 25 (R2)Jan 10 (R3)Mar 14
*Stern (R1)Dec 1 (R2)Jan 15 (R3)Mar 15
*Tepper (R1)Nov 6 (R2)Jan 8 (R3)Mar 19 (R4)Apr 30
*Tuck (EA)Oct 12 (R1)Nov 30 (R2)Jan 11 (R3)Apr 5
*UCLA (R1)Oct 25 (R2)Jan 3 (R3)Feb 21 (R4)Apr 25
*UNC (EA)Oct 27 (R1)Dec 1 (R2)Jan 5 (R3)Mar 2
*USC (EA)Nov 1(R1)Dec 1(R2)Jan 15(R3)Feb 15(R4)Apr 1
*Vanderbilt (R1)Nov 14 (R1)Jan 15 (R2)Mar 1
*Wharton (R1)Oct 12 (R1)Jan 4 (R2)Mar 1
*Yale (R1)Oct 25 (R1)Jan 10 (R2)Mar 14
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
College Tutors - A big trend in America?
BY LISA KASSENAAR - Bloomberg News August 30, 2006URL: When Casey Ravitz graduated in June from Poly Prep Country Day School in Brooklyn, she'd spent 14 years in three different private schools in New York City. For eight of those years, she'd kept weekly appointments with a $100-an-hour Manhattan tutor. "I had a lot of friends who were being tutored, too," said Miss Ravitz, 18, an investment banker's daughter who moved to Chicago in August to attend DePaul University. "My last tutor wouldn't let me get away with anything. She was the most helpful person I've ever met." In New York, where tuition at some private schools will top $30,000 this fall, parents are spending thousands of dollars more on one-on-one instruction. Some teens need extra coaching — which can cost more than $500 an hour — to get through chemistry or Kafka. Others seek help to nab the A's required for a seat at Harvard or Princeton universities, says Lisa Jacobson, 47, who started Manhattan-based Inspirica Ltd. in 1983 and now employs more than 100 tutors. About 75% of private high school graduates in New York have had some tutoring, said Sandy Bass, editor of Private School Insider, a New York-based newsletter published five times a year. Rising demand for socalled homework help, which is distinct from prepping for the SAT college entrance exam, has led the city's tutoring companies to add teachers and services. Some are also jacking up prices. On Manhattan's Upper West Side, Allison Baer, 32, who has a doctorate in psychology from Columbia University, charges $225 an hour for helping clients as young as 12 with writing skills. Miss Baer had more business in this year's first half than in all of 2005, she says, and will raise her fee by 20% in October. The boom in tutoring is powered in part by Wall Street bonuses, which have been at record levels in the past three years. Bankers at securities firms such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Merrill Lynch & Co. cashed a record $21.5 billion in bonus checks last year, according to the New York state comptroller's office. There's fierce competition for spots in elite high schools and colleges as the today's teenagers create their own demographic bulge. From 2000 to 2004, the number of children aged 10 to 19 in Manhattan jumped 18.7% to 128,817, according to U.S. Census data. The city's 87 independent schools, meanwhile, had 42,320 students in 2005, 11% more than in 2000, the New York State Association of Independent Schools said. When it comes to pressuring kids to achieve in school, New York is the epicenter, said Lloyd Thacker, a former admissions officer at the University of Southern California and founder of the Education Conservancy, an advocacy group based in Portland, Oregon. "Tutoring is the symptom, and the fact there is so much of it says there is a sickness," he said. "If past trends hold up, it's likely to spread." Miss Ravitz, an only child who grew up on the Upper East Side, was first tutored as a 7-year-old at Trevor Day School on West 88th Street. By the time she graduated from Poly Prep, she'd had three more tutors. One helped with essay writing; another, called in when Ravitz was struggling in 10th grade French, steered her to B+'s in the class, she said. "The tutors were able to help her to buckle down," Miss Ravitz's mother, Debbie Dunn, 52, says. Her daughter's final Poly Prep report card, with two A-‘s and one B-, hung on Mrs. Dunn's refrigerator as she helped her pack for college. Many private schools have loaded their curricula with university-level courses that demand hours of homework from students every night. At Horace Mann School in the Bronx, for example, an honors physics class that covers mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism focuses on teaching students how to prepare scientific papers. At Saint Ann's School in Brooklyn, one 12th-grade English class studies novels by Honore de Balzac, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Henry Fielding, Vladimir Nabokov, Thomas Pynchon and Virginia Woolf. "The pressure is real," said Edith Spiegel, whose daughter, now 20, was tutored while attending the Dalton School on the Upper East Side. Mrs. Spiegel, 58, who taught in New York's public school system for 29 years, said the stigma attached to tutoring when she was a child has faded. "When my friends got tutored, we thought of them as stupid," she said. "Now, we need our kids to be as smart as they can be." Ivy League Tutors Inc., with offices on Manhattan's Madison Avenue, has instructors trained specifically to help students at Riverdale Country School in the Bronx complete a single 11th-grade course, Constructing America. The class combines advanced placement material in both history and English, said Ryan Chang, 26, who founded the company three years ago and holds a bachelor's degree from Columbia University in economics and creative writing. About 16 kids used the service to get through Constructing America in the spring term, he says. Fall-semester students started booking in July. Mr. Chang, whose instructors charge $125 to $250 an hour, said competition is driving growth for his business, which now has about 100 clients and 20 tutors. "Parents are worried that if they aren't doing it, it's a disadvantage to their student," he said. Lately, he's been turning away those who want to start their seventh-and eighth-graders on SAT preparation. The test is given in the 11th grade. Individual instruction has ramped up all over America in the past five years, especially in California, Illinois and Texas, said Sandi Ayaz, executive director of the Lakeland, Florida-based National Tutoring Association. Her organization is based in a state where home-schooled students are spurring demand for tutors. NTA membership, which includes private tutors, companies and others involved in administering educational services, jumped 62% to 4,900 this year and has risen almost sixfold since 2001, Ayaz said. In New York, the price and quantity of tutoring surpasses other regions of the country, she said. "New York is on steroids, as usual," she said. Elsewhere, homework help goes for about $15 an hour from a college student and $25 from a graduate student. Manhattan tutoring companies ratchet up their prices by offering extra services. Inspirica, which bills $225 to $525 an hour, offers seminars on school admissions and has three full-time employees just to deal with parents' questions, Mrs. Jacobson said. Instructors are hired for their teaching ability, and trained how to behave professionally when they give lessons, whether in a client's Manhattan apartment, on a yacht or in a vacation home in the Hamptons or in Europe, she said. Brig Boonswang, 34, a former investment banker at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Inc., offers teens the use of a 42-inch flat-screen TV, one of Microsoft Corp.'s XBox 360 video game consoles and a fridge stocked with Red Bull energy drinks at his tutoring shop on East 95th Street. Some teens drop by four times a week and may stay hours beyond their one-hour, $250 session, he said. Mr. Boonswang, who has a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Columbia, began tutoring as a career in 2001 after talking to Stephen Spahn, chancellor of the Dwight School on the Upper West Side, at a cocktail party. Mr. Boonswang says he was unemployed after a Brazilian Internet company for which he'd helped raise $2 million went bust. In April 2005, he was joined at Boonswang Group by Rachel Magid, 28, a 2004 graduate of Harvard Business School. The partners now employ 10 part-time tutors and aim to have the same number working full time and revenue of $3.5 million in five years. "The parents would rather us deal with the kids and the homework," Miss Magid said. Mr. Boonswang said his job is much more rewarding than banking ever was. Buoyant kids text-message him after receiving good grades and sometimes seek his support as late as 2 a.m., he said.
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WSJ Who's Recruiting Where?
MBAPrepAdvantage School Profiles
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Canadian MBA
Infozee "Foreign MBA"
------------ MBA Conf/Foundations --------------------
The MBA Tour
The MBA Diversity Alliance
Forte Foundation
Catalyst Women
Knowledge@Wharton Podcast
Association of MBAs
------------ Resume Help ---------------------------------
Darden Resume's
MBA Game Plan Resume Help
------------ Essay Help ------------------------------------
American Dream - (Dave's Pick) (Samples) (Getting Started)
MBA Essay Strategy(download)
MBA Game Plan Essay Help
Some Classic Advice from Wharton Boards
Clear Edit Automated writing editor
MBA Studio
------------- Interview Insight --------------------------
B-School Interview Braindump-Accepted
B-School Interview Braindump-Clearadmit
------------- Ethnocentric Assoc. ----------------------
LEAD Program for minorities
------------- Post-MBA ------------------------------------
MBA Concepts
------------- MBA Articles---------------------------------
If you want your application to B-School to stand out;first do your homework properly, and then apply early
Admissions Tip:HBS Essay #2
Writing good essays from an ADCOM perspective
Top 5 MBA programs Article
The Full-Time Advantage
Overcoming Procrastination
Why B-School is good for our Economy
Ranks by Industry Sector Show
Forbes ranking measures the graduates' return on investment
Economist ranking reports how students and alumni rated their MBA experience
BusinessWeek surveys students and corporate recruiters and measures intellectual capital
Wall Street Journal is a corporate recruiter based poll (21 criteria)
U.S. News & World Report evals student selectivity and placement data and gathers the perceptions of deans and program directors to develop the ranking
Financial Times poll measures career progression of alumni, program diversity and a school's track record in producing new ideas in management
BusinessWeek '06 Rank
BusinessWeek '06 Slideshow
Financial Times '08 (PDF) (Interactive)
US News&World Report 2009
Economist 2008 Rankings
------Wall Street Journal Rankings--------------------
WSJ 2006(US)
WSJ 2006(International)
WSJ 2006(Academic Discipline)
WSJ 2006(Women)
WSJ 2006(Ethics)
WSJ 2006(Minorities)
WSJ 2006(Industry)
Forbes Rankings 05' Results - 07' Results Rankings
Beyond Grey Pinstripes 2009
DTU Research per School
B-School Research Rankings
Financial Times E-MBA Rankings '06 PDF
BusinessWeek E-MBA Rankings '05
Money's top 100 MBA Employers '06
US News Category Ranks '06
Financial Times Category Ranks
Asia B-School Rank 2000
Australian 2005 Financial Review
German B-School Rank
Computerworld top techno MBA Survey
Consus Group B-School Rankings top 100 Entrepreneurial Colleges
Find MBA Rankings
International Education Commission's Top 10
Marr/Kirkwood Comparison Rankings
Official MBA Guide:MBA Program Ranking and Screening
GMAC-Register for GMAT
---------- GMAT Articles ----------------------------------
GMAT 700+ Stories(download)
Why Prepare?
About the GMAT
How someone got a 760 score
How someone got a 790 score
Mark Rice GMAT Advice
Low GMAT Success Stories
---------- GMAT Forums ----------------------------------
Beat the GMAT
GMAT Club Forum and Files!
TestMagic Forum
---------- GMAT Companies ------------------------------
Bell Curves
GMAX Online(Online GMAT Course)
Manhattan GMAT
Perfect GMAT
Princeton Review
Test Prep New York
Test Prep Review (Online Course)
Veritas GMAT Prep
790GMAT GMAT Guru(SF based)
---------- GMAT Self Study Guides ----------------------
Corrections to Official Guide 11th
Advanced GMAT Math Study Guide
GMAT Study Strategy
Micro Edu GMAT Prep Material
Probability Review(download)
4GMAT - Math Books (India)
---------- GMAT Resource/Reference -----------------
GMAT Scratchpad
Dr Math
Dr Math-Pascal Triangle
GMAT Official Guide Question Info
Manhattan GMAT Study Guides (Dave's Pick) (Math Skills Review)
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Texas A&M-College Algebra
The Math Page (For Basic Math Skills)
101 Basic Radical & Exponent Review
---------- GMAT Tests ------------------------------------
PowerPrep GMAT CAT (Dave's Pick)
Ascent Education
800 Score (Dave's Pick)
English Test
GMAT Practice Tests
Gorilla Test Prep
Manhattan GMAT Tests (Dave's Pick)
R&B Consulting Prep Software
ScoreTop Online Verbal-Quant Tests
TestPrep New York
Upstart Raising GMAT Simulator
Financial Aid Podcast
Fundsnet-Search Engine
Graduate Fellowship Database info
Sallie Mae-MBA Loans
US Government's E-Scholar Forum
Brody Admissions
Cambridge Essay Service
Clear Admit
Essay Solutions
Global Now
Maxx Associates
MBA Apply
The MBA Exchange
MBAGameplan Article
MBA Studio
Stacy Blackman
Veritas Consulting
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MBA Empresarial
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Comments about some of them
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Chicago GSB Online Newspaper
Chicago GSB Magazine
Columbia B-School Wkly Online NewsPaper
Columbia Spectator Daily NewsPaper
Cornell Univ. Daily Sun (Main Campus)
Cornell Daily News Service Highlights
Dartmouth Online Newspaper
Tuck Today Online Happenings
Duke News & Community
HAAS Weekly
Harvard B-School Online Newspaper
Harvard Gazette Online Newspaper
Harvard Online Magazine
Kellogg Online Newspaper
News at MIT
Michigan(Ross) Newspaper
Texas McCombs Weekly
Michigan Daily Online Newspaper
Stern Online Newspaper
Stanford Online Newspaper
Stanford B-School Reporter
UCLA Qrtrly Assets Mag
Univ. Virginia Daily Online News
Wharton Online Newspaper
Yale Daily Online Newspaper
Yale Herald Online Newspaper
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